Carousel sliders are more flexible now!
You can display unlimited carousel sliders per page and specify a category to start with. Carousel slider width is completely flexible since it occupies columns to be more width flexible. It means you can display other contents beside carousel as well.
Portfolio Carousel – Classic
Portfolio Carousel – Modern
Clients Carousel
Blog Carousel
- Join Autonomy Paris event, 16-17 March 2022We are very happy to support the first trade show dedicated to new sustainable mobility [...]Read more
- Provocarea orașelor viitorului: dezvoltarea sustenabilă și rezilientăCum pot deveni orașele areale care să facă față oricărei provocări, asigurând incluziune [...]Read more
- Towards clean energy, an event dedicated to sustainable alternative resourcesTogether for a Better Tomorrow Association invites you to participate in the “Towards Clean [...]Read more