Join Autonomy Paris event, 16-17 March 2022
We are very happy to support the first trade show dedicated to new sustainable mobility solutions, that has quickly become the world’s most important annual event B2B and B2G. Autonomy [...]
We are very happy to support the first trade show dedicated to new sustainable mobility solutions, that has quickly become the world’s most important annual event B2B and B2G. Autonomy [...]
Cum pot deveni orașele areale care să facă față oricărei provocări, asigurând incluziune socială, educație, siguranță, sustenabilitate și reziliență? Care este planul de dezvoltare [...]
Together for a Better Tomorrow Association invites you to participate in the “Towards Clean Energy” series of events, which will take place LIVE ONLINE on April 22, from 10:30 to 13:00. The event [...]
O noua editia a evenimentului Sustainable Buildings, a step into the future, va avea loc in data de 3 martie, intre orele 10:30-13:00, LIVE ONLINE, pe pagina FB Idea Events. “Sunt [...]
Sustainable Mobility Forum presents on January 27, 2021, between 10.00-12: 15 LIVE ONLINE, a special edition, dedicated to visionaries and innovators around the world, and their ideas about the [...]
Inspired by the Magna Carta, the ‘Terra Carta’ (Earth Charter) calls on CEOs from around the world to engage and play their part in leading the global transition to a low-carbon future by 2030. [...]
Seria dezbaterilor ONLINE legate de modul in care s-a adaptat industria de real estate la noua realitate provocata de pandemia COVID 19, a fost deschisa in data de 26 noiembrie, cu discutii [...]
The series of ONLINE debates “Real Estate in the next normal – how pandemic could reshape the industry” will open on November 26, with discussions that will focus on the lessons [...]