Real Estate in the next normal – how pandemic could reshape the industry – Series of interviews and discussions
Topics of discussions:
- workplace management;
- megatrends in the field of facility management;
- renegotiation of rental contracts;
- energy efficiency;
- current socio-economic trends related to how professional behavior has changed;
- solutions leaders must adopt to change mental settings and behaviors, in order to return to work, in optimal conditions;
- the new architecture of work and living spaces;
- standards and certifications aimed at finding solutions that provide confidence and security to customers and employees, to restart activities and return to work.
Teme in discutie:
- managementul locului de munca;
- megatendinte din domeniul facility management;
- renegocierea contractelor de inchiriere;
- eficientizarea costurilor energetice;
- trendurile socio-economice actuale legate de modul in care s-a modificat comportamentul profesional;
- ce solutii trebuie sa adopte liderii pentru a schimba setarile mentale si comportamentele, cu scopul revenirii la munca, in conditii optime;
- noua arhitectura a spatiilor de lucru si de locuit;
- standarde si certificari avand ca scop gasirea solutiilor care sa ofere incredere si siguranta clientilor si angajatilor, pentru repornirea activitatilor si reintoarcerea la munca.
Psihoterapeut integrativ si fondatoare a Cabinetului de Psihologie Liliana Cristea
Presedinte ROGBC