Radu Andone, Arch, PhD student, graduated in 2010 of Faculty of Architecture, „Spiru Haret” University, since 2012 holding a post – university master’s degree in Sustainable Development and Energy Audit from „Ion Mincu” Architecture and Urban Planning University, Radu Andone is currently a doctoral student with the thesis “Building Envelope – as Interface between antrophic and UNantrophic”, conducted by Cristina Ochinciuc. He is also Certified Passive House Designer (PHI Darmastadt Certification) and is a consulting architect at Tud Consulting. He is/was involved in researching projects like “Passive house adapted to Romania climate condition” and “The mitigation of the urban heat island effect (http://www.uauim.ro/ cercetare/redbhi/) and in consulting regarding the implementation of nZEB principles in Romanian buildings design”.