Justin Chirea

Justin  graduated from University Politehnica of Bucharest with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Air Navigation.

His career started in 2015 as an aeronautical inspector in the Rulemaking Directorate at the Airports and Air Navigation Department.

Since 2018 Justin worked in the Flight Operations Department. As an aeronautical inspector in the Flight Ops Department he supervised the implementation of the (EU) Regulation no. 965/2012 and the safety of all operations conducted by the Romanian air operators with manned aircraft. Since the existence of the (EU) Regulation no. 2019/947 the Flights Ops. Department is responsible for the supervision of implementation of these rules for the Romanian UAS operators.

Justin is also part of the Working Group 6 of JARUS which is responsible with the development of SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment).He is part of the subgroup in which we have to develop Standard Scenarios and Predefined Risk Assessments (PDRA).
