
Join Autonomy Paris event, 16-17 March 2022

We are very happy to support the first trade show dedicated to new sustainable mobility solutions, that has quickly become the world’s most important annual event B2B  and B2G.

Autonomy Paris brings together the world’s mobility makers, through trade shows, city summits and weekly articles.

Take advantage of 2 days to discover the latest industry trends and news, meet new suppliers and partners and attend expert conferences and quality demonstrations.

The first edition of the trade show Autonomy Paris took place in 2016, a year after the historic Paris Climate Agreement, growing every year, and becoming the icon event of these days.

We invite you to Paris, Porte de Versailles, between 16-17 March 2022, to join the largest community in the urban mobility industry, and to discover the latest in new mobility knowledge and networks.

You can also register on-line accessing the event website Home – Autonomy Paris | Autonomy City Summits


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