The e-Mobility Weeks Bucharest 2016 continues with a visit at UpGround BOC Tower. You are invited to a special debate on the topic of electric mobility and why choosing transport alternatives could result in a healthier air and a more pleasant urban environment. Oraan Marculescu (Ecoprofit.ro, Science & Tech Magazine), Alexandru Teodorescu (Renovatio), Daniel Vlad (TMC Electric Mobility), Paul Badea (Badsi) and Vlad Marinescu (Titi Aur Academy) are just some of the specialists that will answer your questions.

Electric cars will be on display during the event and you will have the chance to win a SILVER PACKAGE at the TITI AUR Academy.

The event will be followed by a brunch offered by Q’s Inn. 

Where? Lobby – Red Hall, BOC Tower

When? 17 November, 10:30-12:00

The main partner of the event is KAUFLAND ROMANIA.