Dr. Teodora Alexandra PALARIE

PhD. Teodora-Alexandra Palarie, cofounder of ViitorPlus (FuturePlus – the association for sustainable development) has a PhD in Environmental Sciences and a Master degree in Systems Ecology from University of Bucharest. As an Environmental Economist she got interested in the sustainable buildings subject as part of a ViitorPlus’s initiative related to green economy. In 2007, ViitorPlus organized the first Romanian conference on sustainable buildings “Continuum Profit from Sustainable Buildings – an Integrated Approach of Building from a European Perspective (Profit perpetuum din imobile sustenabile – Abordarea integrată a clãdirilor din perspectivã europeanã)”. Teodora is now the director of Padurea Copiilor, Children’s Forest, an initiative concerned with terraforming communities, recreating natural life conditions in social systems.