
Towards clean energy, an event dedicated to sustainable alternative resources

Together for a Better Tomorrow Association invites you to participate in the “Towards Clean Energy” series of events, which will…

4 years ago

Sunt dezvoltatorii imobiliari vectori care determina schimbarea societatii?

  O noua editia a evenimentului Sustainable Buildings, a step into the future, va avea loc in data de 3…

4 years ago

Initiative din real estate care pun Romania pe harta lumii, prezentate la Sustainable buildings, a step into the future

Seria dezbaterilor ONLINE legate de modul in care s-a adaptat industria de real estate la noua realitate provocata de pandemia…

4 years ago

Microsoft introduces new privacy tools ahead of Data Privacy Day

In a world that’s constantly evolving with new technologies like Artificial Intelligence and smart devices, Microsoft commits to deliver on…

7 years ago

Tesla Model 3 va avea un rival de temut: Volkswagen ID

Volkswagen ID, prima mașină electrică de serie a constructorului german, va costa cu până la 7.000 de euro mai puțin…

8 years ago