
Arhitectura sustenabila, prezenta la conferinta Sustainable Buildings – A step into the future

După succesul ediției anterioare, la care au luat parte numeroși specialiști și experți din domeniu și de această dată se…

8 years ago

Cele mai sustenabile branduri din România și-au prezentat planurile de viitor la conferința “Sustainability: Shaping The Future of Brands

Cel mai important eveniment al anului dedicat CSR-ul și sustenabilității, 'Sustainability: Shaping The Future of Brands', a avut loc joi,…

8 years ago

Hyundai brings innovation to CES 2017 and envisions cars connected to homes with Mobility Vision Concept

The Consumer Electronics Show 2017 in the US was the perfect context for Hyundai to showcase its latest innovation of…

8 years ago

VW unveils new all-electric and autonomous retro microbus with 270 miles of range

VW unveils new all-electric and autonomous retro microbus The North American International Auto Show in Detroit was the perfect occasion…

8 years ago

The winter edition of the RHAPSODY magazine is now available

The newest issue of the RHAPSODY magazine is now available. Discover a special edition dedicated to sustainable luxury and explore…

8 years ago

Google’s self-driving car project is now an Alphabet company called ‘Waymo’

Google announced today at a small press event in San Francisco, California that its self-driving car project is spinning off…

8 years ago

Tesla now offers a vegan interior option and next gen premium in-house seats in all its models

After launching the Model X, Tesla introduced a new seat developed in-house featuring an ‘Ultra White synthetic leather’, which served…

8 years ago

Campania e-Mobility Weeks, Bucharest 2016 – un pas inainte spre viitorul electro-mobilitatii in Romania

In lunile octombrie si noiembrie 2016, Idea Events, in parteneriat cu ONG-ul Together for a Better Tomorrow si Asociatia Romana…

8 years ago

Tesla Model 3 will probably have a solar roof option, says CEO Elon Musk

After announcing a new all-glass option similar to the Model 3, but available now on the Model S today, CEO Elon…

8 years ago


În luna octombrie 2016, Complexul Educațional Lauder-Reut a devenit Ambasador e-Mobility Weeks, prin implicarea în primul proiect de acest gen…

8 years ago