We are very happy to support the first trade show dedicated to new sustainable mobility solutions, that has quickly become…
Cum pot deveni orașele areale care să facă față oricărei provocări, asigurând incluziune socială, educație, siguranță, sustenabilitate și reziliență? Care este…
O noua editia a evenimentului Sustainable Buildings, a step into the future, va avea loc in data de 3…
Sustainable Mobility Forum presents on January 27, 2021, between 10.00-12: 15 LIVE ONLINE, a special edition, dedicated to visionaries and…
Inspired by the Magna Carta, the ‘Terra Carta’ (Earth Charter) calls on CEOs from around the world to engage and…
Seria dezbaterilor ONLINE legate de modul in care s-a adaptat industria de real estate la noua realitate provocata de pandemia…
The series of ONLINE debates "Real Estate in the next normal - how pandemic could reshape the industry" will open…
Seria dezbaterilor ONLINE "Real Estate in the next normal - how pandemic could reshape the industry", va fi deschisa in…
Seria discutiilor despre mobilitate sustenabila si infrastructura aferenta deschisa in data de 21 octombrie, va continua in…
Cel mai important eveniment dedicat solutiilor alternative de transport, Sustainable Mobility Forum, va avea loc LIVE ONLINE in data de…