Assist. Prof. Sonia-Iulia RAETCHI

sonia rsonia rAssist. Prof. Sonia-Iulia Raetchi, graduated in 2010 of Faculty of Architecture, University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, since 2012 holding a master’s degree in Sustainable Development and Energy Audit from U.A.U.I.M. Sonia is a PhD. student with the thesis “Principles and Challenges in designing Near Zero Energy Buildings – Romania”. She aworks as Assistant professor at the Department of Introduction to Architectural Design, U.A.U.I.M., and as a practicing architect at BIA Ioan Alexandru Nichifor. She has over 10 years of experience in the architectural field working on various projects. She is involved in urban heat island effect mitigation research and implementation of nZEB priciples in Romanian buildings design. She has participated in architectural competitions focusing on sustainability; in 2014 she won the first prize of the MILD Home EcoVillage Competition in Caransebes, Romania.
