Andrei Coşuleanu

andrei-cosuleanuandrei-cosuleanuAndrei Coşuleanu is the Executive Director of Let’s Do It, Romania!, the movement which changed the perception of volunteering in Romania beginning with 2010, and mobilized over 1.100.000 volunteers since then.
Andrei considers himself a member of civil society, he got involved in volunteering activities since high school, subsequently building a career in this field.
Regarding Let’s Do It, Romania!, he started as a volunteer from the first year of activity, then he coordinated the fundraising team , being a constant member of the logistic, training, and collaboration with the local authorities teams. Since 2013 he coordinates the development of the association’s strategy from his position of Executive Director.
Andrei considers that the experience acquired in telecommunications and advertising agencies represents strong points in his activity in the non governmental field.
