Ana Maria Andronic is an accomplished attorney and former Romanian judge. She has dual legal qualifications in the United States and Romania. She is licensed to practice in Romania and in New York, USA.

Her practice includes both routine and complex IT related transactions, and she covers the entire lifecycle and range of issues confronting IT operators and investors, with an emphasis on angel and venture capital investments, Internet privacy matters, copyright and trademark related matters and all related corporate, M&A and labour issues. She has been retained by the World Bank as consultant to a comprehensive assessment of the entire Romanian Intellectual Property legal framework with emphasis on the technology transfer and options to create spin-offs and technology hubs to foster local and international investments in the relevant market sector.

A strong contributor to the Romanian entrepreneurial business environment, Ana-Maria co-founded Venture Connect, a bi-annual event that brings together top investors in the region with Romanian entrepreneurs in the technology sector in search for funding for their businesses. In five years, Venture Connect has become a milestone for local entrepreneurial initiatives and an investment hub in Eastern Europe, facilitating investments and paving the way to investment for over 400 entrepreneurial teams.
